Sunday, October 20, 2024

Undead Handmines

 Undead Handmines

A seasonal trap/encounter for yuor RPG campaigns.

 Undead Handmines

A fields of earth, sand, or gravel concealing bound undead that will reach up from under the ground to hold victims in place. 

A casting of "Find Traps" will provide allies with a +2 hit bonus when attacking exposed handmines.

A 10 ' area will have 2-5 handmines placed within it. When one activates the entire field of handfields activiate and flail about grasping at any nearby.  Up to 2 attacks per victim are possible. When all handmines in a 10' area have grasped someone it is safe to pass.

The chance of activation is per character per 10' area of handmine stepped upon. Prodding with a 10' pole will only have a 1 in 6 chance of triggering Ghastly, Wight, or Mummified handmines due to those undead being more clever than lesser undead. 

A normal Turn or a T result will deactivate the undead handmines for 1-3 hours. A D result will permanently deactivate the land mines freeing them from their binds and allowing them to dig themselves free in 3-6 turns.

Handmines attack as normal members of the undead but ay -2 to hit. Each handmime gets 2 attacks against an individual but may only hold one victim. Any successful attack by a handmine will require the victim to make a saving throw or be held in place until they break free or expire.

Skeletal Handmines, activation 1-2 in 6, Grasp STR 9, initial damage: 1, Hand destroyed on 1 pt of damage

Zombie Handmines, activation 1-2 in 6, Grasp STR 12, initial damage: 1-2, , Hand destroyed on 2 pts of damage

Ghoulish Handmines, activation 1-3 in 6, Grasp STR 12, initial damage: 1-4, Hand destroyed on 2 pts of damage

Ghastly Handmines, activation 1-3 in 6, Grasp STR 13, initial damage: 1-4, Hand destroyed on 3 pts of damage

Wight Handmines, activation 1-4 in 6, Grasp STR 13, initial damage: energy drain!, Hand destroyed on 4 pts of damage if attacked with silver or magical weapons.

Mummified Handmines,activation 1-5 in 6, Grasp STR 14, initial damage: 1d12+disease, Hand destroyed on 4 pts of damage if attacked with magical weapon.

 Grasp STR is the strength the undead hand mine applies to hold a victim. This will impact the saving throw to pull free.  If victims strength is 2 points or lower than the handmines Grasp STR save at -2, if the victims strength is 2 point or more higher than the handmines Grasp STR the save is at +2.  Up to 3 attempts to pull free are allowed but the victim will be subject to attack each time after the first when struggling to break free. 

Attacking the hand grasping someone. Any blow that misses the hit roll has a 75% to harm the victim being held. On a successful hit any damage over the amount needed to destroy the hand is suffered by the vitim being grasped.

An undead handmine will hold a victim until the victim expires. Usually 3 days will result in death by dehydration if the victim has no access to water.

Success of attacks against un-exposed undead handmines are ill-advised as the ground will protect them in effect providing them +4 to AC and saving throws along with halving damage  of area attacks (before saving throws) with some still failing to cause harm if the ground may not be penetrated.

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