When on adventuring upon or within Mog thieves, raiders, and peddlers will come across a wide variety of money and what matters most is the type of metal the coins are forged with. The variety is wide enough and the access to ancient hoards discovered in The Undercity of Mog recirculates almost forgotten coinages.
Coins will be mentioned by their primary metallic composition but the purity varies from source to source and not all coins hold their value from place to place.
In relative values of coin metals we have Iron (i), Brass (b), Copper (c), Bronze (z), Silver(s), Electrum (e), Gold (g), Arichalcum (a), Platinum(p)
Coin Classes
minum (mm), minari (mi)
farthing (fg), fen (fn), fingil (fl), fine (fe) .
penny (py), pfennig (pg), pesata (pa) , pengo (pn)
groat (gt) , guilder (gr), gromin (gn)
shilling (sh), shekel (sk), star (st), sovereigns (sv), sequin (sq)
lupin (lu), leopards (lp), lux (lx), lion (lo), leaguer (lg), lord (ld), lune(ln)
eagle (eg), ell (el)
Royal (RY)), Riel (RL), Reich-Mark (RM), Rooks (RK)
Dragons (DR), Ducats (DC), Doubloons (DB)
Enumerated Types
soem coins wills be distinguished in value beyond a 1 to 1 ratio.
h- half, ha', of halfsie
d- double
t- triple
q- quintuple or fiver
Most Likely Coins (by Abbreviation)
imi, ifg, ipy, igr, isv
bmm, bfg, bfn, bfl, bfe, bhpy, bpy, bdpy, bpa, bpn, bgt, bgn, bsh, bsv
cmm, cfg, cpa, cpn, cgt, cst, clx
zmi, zfl,zfe, zhpy, zpy, zdpy, zpg, zpn, zgt, zgr, zgn, zsh, zsv, zhsq, zsq, ztsq, zlu, zlg, zld, zeg
sfl, sfe, spy, sdpy, stpy, sqpy, spg, spa, spn, sgt, sgr, sgn, ssh, shsk, ssk, sst, ssv, slu, slo, slg, sld, sln, seg, sel, SRM, SRK, SDR
efe, epn, eqpn, est, esv, esq, etsg, eqsq, elu, elp, elx, elo, elg, eln, eeg, eel, ERY, ERK, EDR
ggr, gst, gsv, gsq, gdsq, gtsq, gqsq, glp, glx, gld, geg, GRY, GRL, GRM, GRK, GDR, GDC, GDB
agn, ast, alx, ald, aln, aeg, ARK, ADR
plx, pld, pln, PDR, PDC
Exact values of coins will vary from place to place.
In the Midlands of Mog common conversions are:
2 Copper Farthing (cfg) = 5 imi
1 Brass Penny (bpy) = 4 cfg, 10 imi
1 Bronze Double Pence (zdpy) = 2 bpy, 8 cfg, 20 imi
1 Bronze Groat (zgr) = 4bpy, 16 cfg, 40 imi
1 Silver Shekel (ssk) = 10 bpy, 40 cfg, 200 imi
1 Silver shilling (ssh) = 3 zgr, 12 bpy, 48 cfg, 240 imi
1 Silve Leaguer (slg) = 20 bpy, 80 cfg, 400 imi
1 Ectrum Eagle (eeg) = 10 ssk, 100 bpy, 400 cfg
1 Gold Lion (gln) = 15 ssh, 45 zgr, 180 bpy, 720 cfg
1 Golden Royal (GRY)= 20 ssh, 24 ssk, 60 zgr, 240 bpy
1 Golden Doubloon(GDB)= 40 ssh, 48 ssk, 120 zgr, 480 bpy
1 Arichalcum Rook (ARK)= 50 ssh, 60 ssk, 600 bpy
1 Platinum Dragon (PDR) = 200 ssh, 240 ssk, 600 zgr
For Reference:
A bronze groat (zgr) will buy 3 pints, a roll and a bowl of common fare at a common house.
Adventurers will start with 3d6x10 ssk
For Quick Conversion.
Coins of same class and metal with no local conversion will be valued at 80%
Coins of same class and lower metal with no local conversion will be valued at 20%
Coins of same type and lower metal with no local conversion will be valued at 33%
Coins of same class and higher metal with no local conversions will be valued at 150%
Coins of same type and higher metal with no local conversions will be valued at 200%
If a locality has 2 coins of same class always use the lower valued one for converting foreign coin.
A bronze shekel will buy 33% of what a silver shekel would in the midlands.
A Bronze Star will buy but 20% of what a silver shekel would in the midlands.
A gold leopard will buy 80% of what a gold lion would in the midlands
A golden ell will buy 150% of what an elect rum eagle would in the midlands
A Golden Eagle would buy 200% of what an electrum eagle would in the midlands.
In the midlands if dealing with 100 coins or more a money changer will charge 2% for converting to same metal or lower, or 5% for converting to higher metal. There is no extra charge for dealing with under 100 coins but many a money changer will charge a 2 bpy as a base fee for a customer per visit.
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