Thursday, May 27, 2010

The End Game?

Over at Greyhawk Grognard Joseph Block asks Is the End Game it's Own Game? it's a good question and it and the general attitude towards "The End Game" is how we often play the game at the beginning of a campaign and ignore the ongoing end game the PCs may be striving to enter (or avoid). If the daring-do, desperate sword fights and masterful break-ins all occur in a setting where lords are battling it out with each other and the players are involved (even if just occasionally) at low levels "The End Game" really wouldn't seem as separate and alien endeavor as it seems to be in many a campaign.

If what draws the characters to a remote virtually lawless frontier are the endeavors of one who has just become a lord themselves it defines a goal and sets-up a logical point for 1st level characters to get in on the action from day one. Surely a newly established lord is in need of specialists and brave souls to battle monsters and clear the lands he would claim as his domain.
it profits him to encourage such bravoes to face forces that would cost him resources at virtually no cost at all leaving him free to deal with bigger fish. When the domain is pacified and the PCs are bigger fish the local lord might seek deeper involvement with them, seek their ruin or be happy to see them on their way to the next frontier.

The march of armies, the fall of castles, assassinations, scouting missions, sanctioned piracy, religious crusade are all ways the end game can be brought into low level heroic play. The DM need not await for a culture shock to be thrust upon players at level 9 or so but can profit from making The End Game the game players have been part of the entire life of the campaign.

There could and should be aspirations and positions of power the politically minded can reach before name level and fortunes that will be coveted (and maybe buy the favor) of those in power.
There is much room in low level play for PCs to seek Knighthoods, curry favor with thieves guilds, come to business arrangements with merchant princes, become engaged with the machinations of wizards, to gain influence with or dodge the wrath or religious sects. Empire builders can start at the bottom and worktheir way up before the name level switch is flipped and the wandering hero can learn what to avoid.

The End Game need not be place at the end. It was always written into the game and waiting for the players in the wilderness encounter charts in forlorn castles that held belligerent lords, high priests serving unknown gods and wizards wishing they had time to complete their research.

The End Game, needn't be the end of the campaign as it has been and players can be engaged from day one within the limits of their abilities and aspirations.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Dark Dungeons

Dark dungeons has been released. It's a retro-clone of a certain version of a well known RPG published in a single big white volume.

It's a darned big book at over 300 pages and covers play from 1st level to immortality. Classes are fighters, thieves, magic-users, clerics, mystics, dwarves, halfings and elves. There are a number of skills to fleshout characters and a hierarchy of weapon skills with stats for non-skilled users to Grandmasters against both armed and unarmed foes. There are large sections covering "the end game" as it is often mentioned in gaming land with a chapter for Settling Down (which covers domains and events there-in) , War ! (which covers large scale conflict). Later chapters include planar adventures, the quest for immortality and it's related powers. The monster section has a lot of familiar critters, a few with names filed off and a few original creatures.

The pdf is free go give it a look for yourself.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Comiconn was a blast

Comiconn was a small comics convention in Connecticut billed as "A Show for the Fans by the Fans!". It was my first comics convention after years of absence from such events. I'm happy I went.

My son and I got up early in the morning to drive to Comiconn from our residence in New Hampshire. I'd picked Comiconn because of the date and location, just far enough to be a road-trip but not so far I wouldn't' want to do all the driving in one day. The biggest annoyance of the day had nothing to do with the con but the propensity of the state of Massachusetts to claim there is food on a specific exit off the highway and there is no food to be found in a reasonable distance. My son snoozed sitting in the passenger seat on the way down.

Soon after parking at the con we were in line and few members of the 501st Conn Squad could be seen in their imperial uniforms marching about, posing for photos and keeping an eye out for rebel activity. These guys know how to get their geek on and were a fun addition to the con.

I chatted it up with a couple of the people in line, we were surprised how slow the line was moving for such a small show. Turns out they were actually pretty well organized, kept an accurate head count and were handing out sweet goodies bags.

Most of the show was held in a ballroom and artists and dealers sat side by side. Due to the size of the crowd the noise volume was low enough to actually get to talk to the folks at the booths and I dived in meeting new and indie artists, web comic authors, established comic book artists who have worked in the biz for decades, dealers and publishers. I really enjoyed chatting with the indie and web folks the most and I'll try to do some follow up with these folks to give them a chance to show a little bit of their personality.

Here's a quick list of some of the folks I talked with and met at Comiconn:

Melissa Benson, artist of many fabulous Magic The Gathering Cards. Her Celtic Ironman was really cool.

Project Poppet was there, the creator was shy and reserved with it being her first con, turns out she's a gamer give her site a check.

Luke Foster of The Gang From The Store and Moon Freight 3 was there and he did a sketch of my old computer game character Grimbunny I have to get scanned and posted.

Artist Scott Barnett was there and I poked by his booth a couple times to chat with him. I've got a soft spot for illustrator, cgi modeling animator and graphic designers.

Ken Wong was there with his totally awesome Origami Comics, I had to pick up a copy of Schrodinger's Cat
after he demonstrated it.

Alan Dorison did a sketch of my son and labeled me the Best Dad Ever. I can't argue with a bald white guy who likes to draw boobies and dress in a batman cowl and hood.

Tyler James comics was there with an Artists Edition comic I couldn't pass up of Tears of the Dragon.

Got to meet Ox Baker and give him a hand up from his seat to romp about in the aisle. I'd gotten a chance to bump into the guy years earlier when working on a wrestling zine and he's a very friendly and energetic veteran wrestler. The nerdy teenager in me was thrilled to shake hands and get him to pose for a photo.

The Comiconn Artist Panel (in the sapphire room, now that's class) hosted by
Jon B. Cooke had comic creators Jerry Ordway, Frank McLaughlin, Bob Greenberger, Mike DeCarlo special guest Richard Giordano. I was really thrilled to get a chance to hear the old pros talking about the workings of the comic industry in days past and to learn a bit about Charlton comics. Teh Q.A was a bit brief but the pane covered so much in ther discussions I couldn't come up with anything to ask. The panel did stumbel on the title of a batman story and I caught myself using my phone to find the answer and then not revealing it to everyone so those with the memory and gumption would have the chance to look it up on their own later. The story in question was "There is No Hope in Crime Alley!" a pivotal one in the world of comics.

One point raised by a one asking a question in the panel was the growing age of the comics audience and the future for comics at large because of this aging audience. The person was right the same people that were at the cons 20 or 30 years ago are still turning up today with only a smaller number of new folks. Is comics a quaint old medium driven by a small pool of collectors and the nostalgic or is it able to endure and have periods of regrowth?

The con was great. My son was hooked (it was his first comic show) and we'll be hitting more together.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


The older boy and I are off to Comiconn today. We've gotten up early (even for a household with a baby that still gets up too early) and are getting ready for a mellow couple hours drive to a modest comics and sci-fi convention. I hope it's fun I haven't been to such a con in a few years. I'll be wearing a costume that makes me look like I'm slightly overweight and balding ;-)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lunar Encounter Table 3

Lunar Heights (Lunar encounter Table 3, mountains, shards and high crater rims)
Encounter chances: 1 in 8 each 2 hours. 1 in 12 each 4 hours if moving carefully. 1 in 20 each 8 hours if hiding in shelter.

4- Selenite Ancient (1), 9HD AC4 mv:9 Level 9-empaths (treat as cleric), feared remnants of extinct selenite hive-cities.
5- Moon Maiden (1-3) 4 HD AC 9 Mv 12, roll for subtype: 1,2- unskilled awakened sleepers, 3-4 level 4 empath, 5 level 4 magic-user, 6- level 4 illusionist. 40% chance they are protected by guardians(see subtable)
6- Monkey Bear (1-4), 8HD AC 5 mv: 9, can carry man-sized foe and climb away.
7- Bee Women(1-6), 2+1 HD, AC 6, mv:9/12-fly, buzzing hypnotizes as charm person
8- Levitating Tentacle Whales (1-8),8HD, AC 5, Mv: 9, 4 tentacle attacks per round, constriction damage each round, thrown into mouth at end of third round.
9- Selenite Scouts: Selenite Valkyrie(1-3), 4 HD AC 4 mv:9/15-fly. 30% chance of being armed by 1-2 selenite guard weapons, Selenite Flit(1-4), 2 HD AC 6 mv:12(fly)
10- Acid Spiders(1-6), 2 HD AC 4 mv:6, spit acid webbing that will adhere and cause damage for 1-3 rounds
11- Yellow Moth(1-10), 1 HD AC 7mv:12, bite causes paralysis
12- Decapede(1-12), 3 HD, AC 4 MV 9, excellent climbers, attacks have 33% chance of hurling victims off climbs if encountered on steep surface. They are good eating.
13- Green Moth(1-20) , 1/2 HD Mv: 12, glow 20' radius anyone killing one has 50% chance of being splashed and glowing for 2-5 hours
14- Silver Webs, trap if save fails, 15% chance of encounter every turn afterward until free
15-Living Crystals(1-8), 3 HD AC 2 mv: 1 , harmless unless one is between a pair of living crystals which can then deliver a current between them similar to a lighting bolt.
16- Avalanche, save or suffer 2d6 from falling rocks, those who fail save have 2 in 6 chance of being buried by rubble.
17- Giant Tiger Moth (1-3), 8 HD AC 5 mv:15, fly
18- Zombies (2-12) animated ancient moon men resembling dry desiccated human corpses dressed in exotic garb
19- Black Moth(1-3), 2 HD, AC: 5, MV:12, attack causes energy drain
20- Selenite Ghouls (1-4) ,as standard ghouls but only other selenites can be turned into undead
21- Creeping plants: 70% Harmless Creepers , 30% Razor Creepers(1-12), 2HD AC 8 MV0, surprise on 1-4
22- Automatons (1-3), 5 HD AC 2 mv:6, 60% have integrated high-tech weapons
23- Human Explorers
24- Hemovores (1-12), living vampire humanoids. 8HD AC: 2 . 30% as 8th level Clerics.

Moon Maiden Guardians subtable
1- Moon Wraiths (2-5), 4 HD AC:2 Mv: 12, insubstantial ghosts of extinct lunar men, attacks drain life levels. can't be harmed with non-magical weapons
2-3 Automatons (1-3), 5 HD AC 2 mv:6, 60% have integrated high-tech weapons
4-5 Clone Warriors (2-12), 2+1 HD AC 5 Mv 9
6 Zombies (3-24) animated ancient moon men resembling dry desiccated human corpses dressed in exotic garb

Initiative: how I'm doing it currently

Here's how I'm doing initiative in my current house game.

Every combatant or "fire team" rolls 1d20+ initiative mod + a fighting bonus on the first round they are able to act. (a wizard and a charmed fighter is a fireteam as is a squad of like men-at-arms or monsters )

This initiative score is recorded and maintained for 5 rounds, when 5 rounds are over there's a re-roll. We use 12 seconds rounds so 5 work out to a minute.

Combat is conducted on a countdown each round starting high and going low, ties are simultaneous so it's possible for 2 combatants to kill each other on the same initiative count.

We have parry rule that allows one to specifically defend against attacks. One can't parry an attack before their initiative count comes up in combat unless: they have a much longer weapon then a foe, are armed with a sword and facing a single foe (after the first round of combat) or have a shield and some defensive spells may be cast out of order.

When one readies a weapon during combat their initiative is reduced by their weapon speed. Some allow an attack on readying, some don't allow an attack until the new initiative count.

If one is harmed during a round their initiative score is reduced by 1 and only 1 regardless of how many blows are suffered in a round.

Some actions and failed actions can reduce initiative as well.

If the initiative score is reduced to less then 0 one can still act in a round but their attacks, saves and other such checks suffer a penalty equal to the negative initiative score. If one has a negative initiative on the initiative re-roll (after 5 rounds) they suffer a penalty of 1 on that roll.

Being encumbered halves ones initiative score.

Initiative has a very telling effect on combat as it limits ones defensive actions and gives the attacker with the advantage a decided advantage. Shields are darned handy and the sword is given a coolness factor (that is strictly for genre emulation).
No one wants to drop a weapon because of the disadvantage it subjects them to in readying a new weapon.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Playtesting level 1

My group is cobbling together our own version of D&D, mostly at my impetus but the others are getting into it and it seems to be working. We've been playing mostly with 6th to 8th level characters so far and I've been happy with the results combat is tough, even 10 hobgoblins across a 50' room actually pose the chance of loss to 6-8 level PCs.

So last night to see what would happen we played with a mixed party of 1st level PCs.

We had a Rake, a Knight, A MU, A Burglar and an Archer to start with.

The burglar fell in the first fight against 4 skeletons in an obvious trap ( a chest in the center of a room full of bones). The knight rushed to the fore and was almost slain himself falling to the skeletons onslaught. The party survived because the Rake drew the skeletons too him with his taunt/distraction ability and the MU and archer were able to finish them from behind. Thanks to the wound binding rules the knight survived but the burglar died.

The party 4 man party was surprised by zombies while searching the chamber with the skeletons for loot by a pair of zombies. The archer was overcome but survived, low initiative didn't help the zombies.

The party was joined by a wandering Acolyte (PC replacement). He was able to heal the knight from the earlier fight.

The party discovered an evil looking idol with large gem eyes. The rake and acolyte went in to investigate and discovered the chamber was a trap as the idol fired magical missiles from it's eyes.Luckily for all magic missiles require a hit roll in the game we are playing. The party opted to not deal with the evil idol and moved away.

The party went on to discover a a group of gnomes playing cards. The rake joined the gnomes in a couple of hands and then his companions jumped the gnomes slaying 5 of them and charming one.

After looting the gnomes chambers the party discovered a locked door blocking one section of the dungeon from another. So they decided to chop their way through the door as no one could manage to pick the lock (the rake tried but he lacked tools). While chopping into the door zombies once again ambushed the party but were quickly turned by the acolyte just before a hole was chopped in the door blocking their way and giant rats burst forth. The giant rats proved to require some maneuvering by the party to defeat but it played out well.


All in all it went really well, we were surprised by the durability of the PCs and their combat effectiveness relative to the opposition (even with one death and two almost deaths). There will be further adjustments on the MUs ability to cast frequently and beef up spells, even with a hit chance and a chance a spell wasn't cast at all (two missiles were delayed in casting, two or three missed) the impact of multiple magic missiles was telling but not overwhelming.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lunar Encounter Table 2

Lunar Wastes (Lunar encounter Table 2)
Encounter chances: 1 in 12 each 4 hours. 1 in 20 each 4 hours if moving carefully. 1 in 100 each 8 hours if hiding in shelter.

4- Selenite Ancient (1), 9HD AC4 mv:9 Level 9-empaths (treat as cleric), feared remnants of extinct selenite hive-cities.
5- Levitating Tentacle Whales (90% of 1,10% of 3-12),8HD, AC 5, Mv: 9, 4 tentacle attacks per round, constriction damage each round, thrown into mouth at end of third round.
6- Desiccated Triffid(1), 2 HD AC 8 mv:0 , poison sting to 20' , immobile 75% of the time when encountered for 1-4 rounds. Fire damage causes it to explode as a fireball .
7- Bee Women(2), 2+1 HD, AC 6, mv:9/12-fly, buzzing hypnotizes as charm person, Charmed Selenite Guards(7-12), 1+1 HD AC 6 mv: 6, Sleep Darts (in short supply)
8- Silver Webs, trap if save fails, 15% chance of encounter every turn afterward until free
9- Selenite Expedition ,Selenite Brain(1), 5 HD AC 5 mv:3, level 6-empaths (treat as cleric), Selenite Guards(4-24), 1+1 HD AC 6 mv: 6, 1-2: Sleep Darts, 3-4 Paralysis bolas, 5: Pain Rods 6: Stun Grenades, Selenite Drones(6-60), 1-1 HD AC 8 mv:6
10- Automatons (1-3), 5 HD AC 2 mv:6, 60% have integrated high-tech weapons
11- Green Gnomes (1-20) 1 HD AC 5 mv:6. if friendly will give advice to reduce chance of hostile encounters for next day.
12- Moon Wraiths(1-8) 4 HD AC:2 Mv: 12, insubstantial ghosts of extinct lunar men, attacks drain life levels. can't be harmed with non-magical weapons
13- Green Moth(1-20) , 1/2 HD Mv: 12, glow 20' radius anyone killing one has 50% chance of being splashed and glowing for 2-5 hours
14-Edible Fungus(1-20), looks like toxic puff fungus but each one supplies 2-7 meals for a man-sized being. Takes a round to collect 2 meals worth. 10% chance of another encounter 1-3 rounds after collecting begins.
15-Red Mites(3-30), rust attack
16- Quick Dust, if surprised make save to avoid drowning in the syrupy dust. Drown in 2-4 rounds if not pulled free. 10% chance of attracting other encounter.
17- Rust Fungus(2-8), 33% chance of spraying spores that will rust exposed metals if molested. Looks like Edible Fungus.
18- Living Crystals(1-8), 3 HD AC 2 mv: 1 , harmless unless one is between a pair of living crystals which can then deliver a current between them similar to a lighting bolt.
19- Moon Cow(1), 3 HD AC 6 mv: 9
20- Grey Worm(1-4), 7 HD AC 4 mv: 9 swallow man-sized prey whole 33% of attacks
21- Giant Tiger Moth (1-3), 8 HD AC 5 mv:15, fly
22- Toxic Puff Fungus(2-8), 50% chance of spaying toxic spores that will kill in 3-18 turns if save failed after breathing in.
23- Hemovores (60% of 1, 40% of 2-20), living vampire humanoids. 8HD AC: 2 . 30% as 8th level Clerics.
24- Human Explorers

Note: if encounter draws another encounter and an immobile encounter is rolled there is no additional encounter drawn in.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Lunar Encounter Table 1

Fertile Lunar Craters. (Lunar Encounter Table 1)
Encounter chances:3 in 8 chance of encounter each hour. 3 in 10 chance every 3 hours if moving carefully.3 in 20 every 4 hours if hiding in shelter.

6- Selenite Ancient (1), 9HD AC4 mv:9 Level 9-empaths (treat as cleric), feared remnants of extinct selenite hive-cities.
7- Sentient Triffids (1-6), 3 HD AC 7 mv:3 , 70% have weapons and devices, poison sting to 20', surprise in dense vegetation on a roll of 1-5, they communicate with each other only.
8- Automatons (1-3), 5 HD AC 2 mv:6, 60% have integrated high-tech weapons
9- Giant Mole Bear (1), 9HD AC 4 mv: 6, surprise from beneath on a roll of 1-3
10- Black Moth(1-3), 2 HD, AC: 5, MV:12, attack causes energy drain
11- Levitating Tentacle Whales (1-4),8HD, AC 5, Mv: 9, 4 tentacle attacks per round, constriction damage each round, thrown into mouth at end of third round.
12- Triffids(1-3), 2 HD AC 8 mv:1 , poison sting to 20' , surprise in dense vegetation on a roll of 1-3, they don't communicate actively with each other but do click and drum
13- Selenite Brain(1), 5 HD AC 5 mv:3, level 6-empaths (treat as cleric), 40% accompanied by 2-5 selenite guards.
14- Acid Spiders(1-6), 2 HD AC 4 mv:6, spit acid webbing that will adhere and cause damage for 1-3 rounds
15- Selenite Valkyrie(1-4), 4 HD AC 4 mv:9/15-fly. 30% chance of being armed by 1-2
selenite guard weapons.
16- Bee Women(1-6), 2+1 HD, AC 6, mv:9/12-fly, buzzing hypnotizes as charm person
17- Selenite Myrmidons(1-6), 5 HD AC 3 mv:6. 20% chance of being armed by a selenite guard weapon
18- Silver Webs, trap if save fails, 15% chance of encounter every turn afterward until free
19- Selenite Guards(1-12), 1+1 HD AC 6 mv: 6, 1-2: Sleep Darts, 3-4 Paralysis bolas, 5: Pain Rods 6: Stun Grenades
20- Moon Cow(1-100), 3 HD AC 6 mv: 9
21- Selenite Drones(1-20), 1-1 HD AC 8 mv:6
22- Green Moth(1-20) , 1/2 HD Mv: 12, glow 20' radius anyone killing one has 50% chance of being splashed and glowing for 2-5 hours
23- Selenite Monitor(1-3), 2 HD ac 6 mv:9
24- Hairless Army Moles(2-20), 1/2 HD AC 6 mv:6
25- Selenite Nursemaid(2-5), 3 HD AC 6 mv: 6
26- Yellow Moth(1-10), 1 HD AC 7mv:12, bite causes paralysis
27- Selenite Flit(1-4), 2 HD AC 6 mv:12(fly)
28- Red Mites(3-30), rust attack
29- Grab Weed(1-4), 4 HD AC7, spiked tentacles reach up to 50' away drag prey to acidic maw 10' a round
30- Springjack(1), 4 HD AC:3 mimics appearance of a selenite monitor to prey on anything man-sized or smaller
31- Toxic Puff Fungus(2-8), 50% chance of spaying toxic spores that will kill in 3-18 turns if save failed after breathing in.
32- Yellow Mites (2-20), disrupt magic and psionics within 30' 50% of the time
33- Rust Monster(1-4), (pick your favorite version)
34- Grey Worm(1-4), 7 HD AC 4 mv: 9 swallow man-sized prey whole 33% of attacks
35- Human Explorers
36- Hemovores (1-4), living vampire humanoids. 8HD AC: 2 . 30% as 8th level Clerics.

Note on Selenite encounters: 60% chance from nearest hive-city.
otherwise roll for color: 1- red, 2- blue, 3- green, 4- yellow, 5-orange, 6- grey