Monday, May 10, 2010

Lunar Encounter Table 1

Fertile Lunar Craters. (Lunar Encounter Table 1)
Encounter chances:3 in 8 chance of encounter each hour. 3 in 10 chance every 3 hours if moving carefully.3 in 20 every 4 hours if hiding in shelter.

6- Selenite Ancient (1), 9HD AC4 mv:9 Level 9-empaths (treat as cleric), feared remnants of extinct selenite hive-cities.
7- Sentient Triffids (1-6), 3 HD AC 7 mv:3 , 70% have weapons and devices, poison sting to 20', surprise in dense vegetation on a roll of 1-5, they communicate with each other only.
8- Automatons (1-3), 5 HD AC 2 mv:6, 60% have integrated high-tech weapons
9- Giant Mole Bear (1), 9HD AC 4 mv: 6, surprise from beneath on a roll of 1-3
10- Black Moth(1-3), 2 HD, AC: 5, MV:12, attack causes energy drain
11- Levitating Tentacle Whales (1-4),8HD, AC 5, Mv: 9, 4 tentacle attacks per round, constriction damage each round, thrown into mouth at end of third round.
12- Triffids(1-3), 2 HD AC 8 mv:1 , poison sting to 20' , surprise in dense vegetation on a roll of 1-3, they don't communicate actively with each other but do click and drum
13- Selenite Brain(1), 5 HD AC 5 mv:3, level 6-empaths (treat as cleric), 40% accompanied by 2-5 selenite guards.
14- Acid Spiders(1-6), 2 HD AC 4 mv:6, spit acid webbing that will adhere and cause damage for 1-3 rounds
15- Selenite Valkyrie(1-4), 4 HD AC 4 mv:9/15-fly. 30% chance of being armed by 1-2
selenite guard weapons.
16- Bee Women(1-6), 2+1 HD, AC 6, mv:9/12-fly, buzzing hypnotizes as charm person
17- Selenite Myrmidons(1-6), 5 HD AC 3 mv:6. 20% chance of being armed by a selenite guard weapon
18- Silver Webs, trap if save fails, 15% chance of encounter every turn afterward until free
19- Selenite Guards(1-12), 1+1 HD AC 6 mv: 6, 1-2: Sleep Darts, 3-4 Paralysis bolas, 5: Pain Rods 6: Stun Grenades
20- Moon Cow(1-100), 3 HD AC 6 mv: 9
21- Selenite Drones(1-20), 1-1 HD AC 8 mv:6
22- Green Moth(1-20) , 1/2 HD Mv: 12, glow 20' radius anyone killing one has 50% chance of being splashed and glowing for 2-5 hours
23- Selenite Monitor(1-3), 2 HD ac 6 mv:9
24- Hairless Army Moles(2-20), 1/2 HD AC 6 mv:6
25- Selenite Nursemaid(2-5), 3 HD AC 6 mv: 6
26- Yellow Moth(1-10), 1 HD AC 7mv:12, bite causes paralysis
27- Selenite Flit(1-4), 2 HD AC 6 mv:12(fly)
28- Red Mites(3-30), rust attack
29- Grab Weed(1-4), 4 HD AC7, spiked tentacles reach up to 50' away drag prey to acidic maw 10' a round
30- Springjack(1), 4 HD AC:3 mimics appearance of a selenite monitor to prey on anything man-sized or smaller
31- Toxic Puff Fungus(2-8), 50% chance of spaying toxic spores that will kill in 3-18 turns if save failed after breathing in.
32- Yellow Mites (2-20), disrupt magic and psionics within 30' 50% of the time
33- Rust Monster(1-4), (pick your favorite version)
34- Grey Worm(1-4), 7 HD AC 4 mv: 9 swallow man-sized prey whole 33% of attacks
35- Human Explorers
36- Hemovores (1-4), living vampire humanoids. 8HD AC: 2 . 30% as 8th level Clerics.

Note on Selenite encounters: 60% chance from nearest hive-city.
otherwise roll for color: 1- red, 2- blue, 3- green, 4- yellow, 5-orange, 6- grey


  1. Interesting.
    --Is your campaign recently moved to a moon?

  2. I'm going to have multiple places to visit and romp about outside the slightly more traditional confines of the campaign.
