Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lunar Encounter Table 3

Lunar Heights (Lunar encounter Table 3, mountains, shards and high crater rims)
Encounter chances: 1 in 8 each 2 hours. 1 in 12 each 4 hours if moving carefully. 1 in 20 each 8 hours if hiding in shelter.

4- Selenite Ancient (1), 9HD AC4 mv:9 Level 9-empaths (treat as cleric), feared remnants of extinct selenite hive-cities.
5- Moon Maiden (1-3) 4 HD AC 9 Mv 12, roll for subtype: 1,2- unskilled awakened sleepers, 3-4 level 4 empath, 5 level 4 magic-user, 6- level 4 illusionist. 40% chance they are protected by guardians(see subtable)
6- Monkey Bear (1-4), 8HD AC 5 mv: 9, can carry man-sized foe and climb away.
7- Bee Women(1-6), 2+1 HD, AC 6, mv:9/12-fly, buzzing hypnotizes as charm person
8- Levitating Tentacle Whales (1-8),8HD, AC 5, Mv: 9, 4 tentacle attacks per round, constriction damage each round, thrown into mouth at end of third round.
9- Selenite Scouts: Selenite Valkyrie(1-3), 4 HD AC 4 mv:9/15-fly. 30% chance of being armed by 1-2 selenite guard weapons, Selenite Flit(1-4), 2 HD AC 6 mv:12(fly)
10- Acid Spiders(1-6), 2 HD AC 4 mv:6, spit acid webbing that will adhere and cause damage for 1-3 rounds
11- Yellow Moth(1-10), 1 HD AC 7mv:12, bite causes paralysis
12- Decapede(1-12), 3 HD, AC 4 MV 9, excellent climbers, attacks have 33% chance of hurling victims off climbs if encountered on steep surface. They are good eating.
13- Green Moth(1-20) , 1/2 HD Mv: 12, glow 20' radius anyone killing one has 50% chance of being splashed and glowing for 2-5 hours
14- Silver Webs, trap if save fails, 15% chance of encounter every turn afterward until free
15-Living Crystals(1-8), 3 HD AC 2 mv: 1 , harmless unless one is between a pair of living crystals which can then deliver a current between them similar to a lighting bolt.
16- Avalanche, save or suffer 2d6 from falling rocks, those who fail save have 2 in 6 chance of being buried by rubble.
17- Giant Tiger Moth (1-3), 8 HD AC 5 mv:15, fly
18- Zombies (2-12) animated ancient moon men resembling dry desiccated human corpses dressed in exotic garb
19- Black Moth(1-3), 2 HD, AC: 5, MV:12, attack causes energy drain
20- Selenite Ghouls (1-4) ,as standard ghouls but only other selenites can be turned into undead
21- Creeping plants: 70% Harmless Creepers , 30% Razor Creepers(1-12), 2HD AC 8 MV0, surprise on 1-4
22- Automatons (1-3), 5 HD AC 2 mv:6, 60% have integrated high-tech weapons
23- Human Explorers
24- Hemovores (1-12), living vampire humanoids. 8HD AC: 2 . 30% as 8th level Clerics.

Moon Maiden Guardians subtable
1- Moon Wraiths (2-5), 4 HD AC:2 Mv: 12, insubstantial ghosts of extinct lunar men, attacks drain life levels. can't be harmed with non-magical weapons
2-3 Automatons (1-3), 5 HD AC 2 mv:6, 60% have integrated high-tech weapons
4-5 Clone Warriors (2-12), 2+1 HD AC 5 Mv 9
6 Zombies (3-24) animated ancient moon men resembling dry desiccated human corpses dressed in exotic garb

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