Saturday, November 9, 2013

Saucer and UFO configurations.

Rocketeers, operatives for ultra-black agencies and swordsmen on strange worlds should all know what the vessels alien visitors and invaders may arrive in may look like.

Luckily you need not rely on recognition charts, there's also a handy dandy table:

Saucer and UFO Configurations (1d100)

1.      Saucer, flat bottomed
2.      Saucer, flat-bottomed w/bubble-top
3.      Saucer, flat-bottomed w/fins
4.      Saucer, flat-bottomed w/fins and bubble
5.      Saucer, flat-bottomed w/Dome-Top
6.      Saucer, flat-top capped with Cone
7.      Saucer, flat-topped with hanging cone
8.      Saucer, lenticular (convex on bot sides)
9.      Saucer, lenticular w/Bubble-top
10.   Saucer, lenticular w/Bubble-top and fins
11.   Saucer, lenticular w/Dome-top
12.   Saucer, lenticular with Cone a-top
13.   Saucer, lenticular with hanging cone
14.   Saucer, flat-top w/Bubble a top
15.   Saucer, flat-top w/dome atop
16.   Saucer, flat-top w/belly copula
17.   Saucer, flat-top with Cone
18.   Saucer, flat-top w/hanging cone
19.   Saucer, Disk
20.   Saucer, Disk w/Bubble-top
21.   Saucer, Disk w/Dome –top
22.   Saucer, disk w/belly copula
23.   Saucer, washer
24.   Saucer, washer w/belly copulas
25.   Saucer-plane hybrid
26.   Saucer-rocket hybrid
27.   Saucer, Hat-shaped
28.   Saucer, Hat-shaped with bubble
29.   Saucer, Hat-shaped w/copula
30.   Saucer, Hat-shaped w/hanging copula
31.   Wedge
32.   Wedge w/bubble
33.   Wedge w/fins
34.   Crescent
35.   Crescent w/fivs
36.   Omega/Horseshoe
37.   Omega/Horsehoe w/bubbles
38.   Omega/Horseshoe w/fins
39.   Boomerang
40.   Egg
41.   Egg, ringed
42.   Egg, with copula-studs
43.   Egg w/bubble
44.   Spheroid
45.   Spheroid, Ringed
46.   Spheroid, with copula-studs
47.   Spheroid w/bubble
48.   Spheroid w/dome
49.   Cone
50.   Cone, w/bubble
51.   Cone, Ringed
52.   Cone, Ringed w/bubble
53.   Cone with copula-studs
54.   Cone, upright
55.   Cone, upright w /ring
56.   Cone, upright w/copula-studs
57.   Cone, downward
58.   Cone. downward w/ring
59.   Cone, downward w/copula-studs
60.   Cigar
61.   Cigar w/copula-studs
62.   Cigar w/fins
63.   Tube
64.   Tube w/fins
65.   Linked Tubes
66.   Needle
67.   Needle w/fins
68.   Ring
69.   Toroid
70.   Rocket
71.   Lunar-Lander
72.   Aerospace-Shuttle (there will be a mother ship)
73.   Rectangle/Monolith
74.   Dodecahedron
75.   Hypercube
76.   Throne/Control-seat
77.   Pile of junk
78.   Crystal Star
79.   Glowing  Orb
80.   Space Lightning
81.   Mysterious Cloud
82.   Hollowed-out Meteor/Asteroid
83.   Floating Citadel
84.   Floating City
85.   Floating island
86.   Space Mountain
87.   Flying Tower
88.   Flying Pyramid
89.   Flying Step-Pyramid
90.   Star-sailed
91.   Flying Ziggurat
92.   Gossamer-winged
93.   Starfish
94.   Stellar Squid
95.   Space Whale
96.   Castle-backed Space Whale
97.    Mobile Vortex/Black-hole
98.   Teleport Chamber (Tardis?)
99.   Platform, alien appear standing on a floating platform or on a similar appearing stationary teleport-pad
100.                    Gateway, linking a mother-ship to the surface or to another world



  1. Replies
    1. I figured with over 100 typrs of aliens on both tables I couldn't go wrong with more saucers.
