The following has a bunch of fiddly bits that can of course be used or ignored as the campaign dictates. AC scores are all listed as a plus to AC score to work with pretty much any AC format.
I haven't tried these in play myself yet so the impact is unpredictable.
Head-Torso-Leg AC

Each subsection provides multiple exclusive selections for each general location.
By example: You can't wear two hauberks, or mail gloves and a gauntlets but yuo can wear a coif and a helmet or Leggings and a kilt.
Hauberk and Cotte may be combined, Hauberk and Cuiras may be combined.
Cuiras and Cotte may not be combined.
There are a number of penalties listed in each armor section. The penalties are meant to reduce the chance of success for ability check based mechanics. They would probably work fine in a d20 or save based action resolution as well.
Combat Notes-
Additional fiddly bits to combat are invited if one uses even the three simple hit locations of Head, Torso and Legs here are some suggestions.
Hitting Target in the head-
Is allowed if you have a longer weapon then your foe does.
Is allowed if you have initiative over a foe.
Is allowed if you have surprised a foe or are attacking from behind.
Missile attacks from beyond short range are made at an additional penalty of -2
Hitting a Target in the head with a die roll of 19-20 (if other scores can hit) requires many targets to make a save or be stunned until end of following round.
Hitting Target in the Torso-
Is the base default no special conditions required.
Hitting Target in the legs-
Is allowed with no penalty if you have a long weapon.
Is allowed with no penalty if you have surprise or are attacking from behind.
If in melee and you miss with a to hit die roll of 1-5 when making a leg attack (except for conditons above) your opponent gets a free melee attack against you.
Missile attacks from beyond short range are made at an additional penalty of -2
Hitting a Target in the legs with a die roll of 19-20 (if other scores can hit) requires many targets to make a save or be knocked prone (armed foes will drop weapons).
Notes on AC
Best Ac of Head
Great Helm, Metal Gorget and Mail coif gives ones head an AC of -2 (21)
cost 70 g.p. perception -6, speech -5
Best Torso Armor
Mail Hauberk, Ribbed Cuiras, Plate Bracers and Gauntlets
provide a torso AC of -6(25)
cost 350 g.p. maneuver -9, manipulation -8
Heaviest Leg Armor
Mail Leggings, Mail Kilt, Plate Taces, Plate Codpiece, Plate Greaves and Plate Saboton provide a leg AC of -6(25) with a move penalty of 30
cost 195 g.p
To buy best suit of overall armor would cost: 615 g.p.
A DM is of course free to assign a Maxiumum possible AC in a specific location as fits the rule set being used. Players should be aware of such restrictions to avoid over-buying armor.
Some folks don't like nonmagical AC better then 2,1 or 0 and I can agree.
Magical armor and the hit locations-
The best magical AC of any piece in a location improves AC, multiple magical bonuses to pieces do not add up.
Interesting take. I was often tempted to use the hit location system from the 2e Complete Fighter's Handbook in my games, but never did. It might be worth a look for ideas.