Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Triangle Geomorphs

A set of dungeon geomorphs with equilateral triangle having 2 exits on each side. These were made to make it easier to connect geomorph sections on angles for the dungeon architect and annoy the heck out of players trying to map while being pursued by fearsome grues.

(click for larger image)


  1. @Dyson, thank you. There are more triangles, rhomboids, trapezoids and hexes to come in the future.

  2. I'm still working out the bugs in a set of pentagonal geomorphs, but I hadn't considered doing trianular ones before--that's an awe-inspiring idea. Very useful for plotting out structures within bizarre regions of high weirdness...very cool. Thanks for sharing the idea. I'd be very interested in how you handle trapezoids. Lots of potential there...

  3. Very cool and handsomely drawn. It would be even better if you combined them with some larger hex-based geomorphs (for primary encounter areas).

  4. Glad you like them. The hexes are on their way.
